Saturday, September 11, 2010

Who Am I?

my name is Joe Parsons,  and i'm from goderich ontario.
i'm pretty much always happy because i figure that its the best way to be, rather than worrying over little things and getting upset, i like to think of things as a challenge, not a burden.
 i like to play guitar and listen to music and me and a couple of my friends are in a band,  we like to get together and jam and write songs, We've played a couple of shows and we're going to be playing in a battle of the bands in october and we have a show in kincardine on the 23rd of december at pier 21.
other things that i like to do are play basketball with my friends, play video games, watch movies,  sleep, and eat, etc.
things i don't like are; people who have negative personalities, when my socks get wet and there all damp for the rest of the day, justin bieber.
 it's hard to think of things i dislike because i like to have an open mind about everything. 

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